Five psychological tips to learn Spanish fast

I often hear my students say: “it’s very difficult”, “… it’s very complicated” and I reflect and ask myself: do these phrases help in the process of learning the language? The truth is, no matter how you try to explain it, NO, they don’t help.

Build a positive concept of Spanish language

In fact, if you want to learn Spanish, it is because you like it, because you are interested in it or because you need it. So, take advantage of these motivational resources to think positively about the language. Sometimes if you* think negative things, do the exercise of changing your outlook on Spanish. It is essential to have a positive connection with what you want to learn, it is the basis of openness to receive and letting the language become a part of you.

Speak positively or in a healthy way about the language

Formulate the antithesis of phrases that are useful for learning. If you think beforehand that it is difficult, it will be difficult, it will be more difficult than it really is. You can change the phrase “Spanish is difficult” for a phrase like “Spanish has its complexities like any other language”. Or change the phrase: “I don’t have a good memory, I forget everything” for something more respectful and realistic like: “I am human, I learn little by little and I learn something every day”.

Be kind and understanding of yourself

The phrase: “I don’t have a good memory, I forget everything” leads me to this third piece of advice: Avoid, and better yet eliminate, harmful phrases directed at yourself. Practice the exercise of imagining if what you say to yourself is said to you by someone else, how would you feel? You would get angry, maybe? So, how about, don’t judge yourself for not learning Spanish as fast as you would like.

Accept once and for all that making mistakes is human and normal

When we start speaking a language we make a lot of mistakes, so that’s normal. You learn from those mistakes. The important thing here is to correct those mistakes little by little with the help of someone who can help you to see them.

Open your mind to the culture where you learn Spanish

If you want to learn Spanish at a fluent level or want to speak like a native speaker, it is important to be open to the culture where you are learning Spanish. If you get stuck in culture shock or criticism of cultural differences it will be a psychological barrier to learning Spanish in more depth.

In conclusion, you need to think positively about the Spanish language.

Learning Spanish more easily and quickly requires a positive attitude, self-esteem and open-mindedness. Attitude makes learning easier. In addition to learning words, conjugating verbs and practicing what you already know, take a look at your own way of thinking about the Spanish language and try to build as positive a view as possible.

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